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RAIN Meditation
All levels of experience
RAIN is for you when you feel distressed by painful feelings, memories, worry or self-blame, if you feel stuck in a particular situation that is putting a strain on your daily life, relationships or work. RAIN is an amazingly effective meditation to transform stressful emotions and one of the main teachings of Tara Brach, world-renowned and respected meditation and mindfulness teacher and one of my guiding teachers. In her book Radical Compassion, Tara describes the RAIN practice in detail.
RAIN is a meditation in which we give ourselves deep care and compassion. We connect with a part of our consciousness that cannot be touched by the storms of life. It is described as loving awareness, the higher self or future self, which is a powerful source that enables us to uplift and comfort ourselves.
The approach is one of radical acceptance and radical compassion, which means that we give up any resistance to our inner experience, allow it in its fullness and at the same time give ourselves unlimited, unconditional care. This is how healing and transformation evolve.
The RAIN practice involves 4 phases (Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture). We focus on the body, allow all feelings and sensations without exception and identify old beliefs connected to them. In the role of the observer, we pay loving attention to everything that is arising. Eventually we find out what the vulnerable part of us needs right now. In the next step, we give ourselves exactly the energy we need. We satisfy the needs that lie behind the painful experience. This can be protection, love, connection or forgiveness. In this way, we can calm and resolve the inner turmoil and find new ways to deal with it.
Single session 45 min
Standard 75€
Reduced 55€
Plus donation 100€
Package 6 sessions | 420€ | 300€ | 570€
The prices are graded so that financially low-income people can also take part. The price plus donation is aimed at the more well-off, whose generosity allows me to offer the discounted price option. Grading is discretionary and has no effect on the status.
When booking, please state:
‘RAIN Meditation + date + personal e-mail’
Account Corinna Knauff IBAN DE39 38060186 5002066019
RAIN is a meditation for all levels of experience. People who are advanced in meditation can practice the entire four steps. Those who are still at the beginning of their practice stick to the first two phases.
RAIN meditation requires a pre-meeting on Zoom, where we can get to know each other, explore the options and clarify any questions. The pre-meeting of 15 minutes is free of charge.
RAIN is a meditation with transformative and healing power. Therefore it can trigger deep processes of consciousness. RAIN is very supportive, but is not a substitute for psychotherapy. A basic psychological stability is a prerequisite.

I will always be grateful for our RAIN session. It gave me the courage to face this journey and start over. You gave me such a sense of safety, connection, purity and incredible kindness. It touched me deeply.
Meditation Partner RAIN, South Africa
images on this page: Many thanks to joan m. (unsplash)