Mindfulness Retreats

Deep Rest. Connection. Personal Growth.

All levels of experience​

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In mindfulness retreats we expand and deepen our meditation practice. During a day retreat or a weekend we train to direct our attention to calm the mind, and we practice pausing and not automatically following thoughts and impulses. We witness difficult feelings and accept them with loving awareness in order to integrate and dissolve them.

The room is always filled with compassion when we practice mindfulness together with like-minded people who all want to become more conscious and compassionate. Who all want to change something for the better for themselves, in their families and in the world. A precious bond develops between each other with kindness and acceptance for oneself and others. In this calming and nourishing atmosphere, the body releases happiness and relaxation hormones, the nervous system regulates.

Retreats are places where we feel safe, where we can recharge and reassure ourselves, where we leave with the feeling of being exactly right and part of something bigger. They include periods of silence (Noble Silence), guided meditations, talks, mindfulness exercises in small groups, sharings, question/answer sessions, and mindful meals.

Prices Daylong Retreat

Standard 130 €*
Reduced 80 €
Plus donation 160 €

For practical support during the retreat, there is one discounted 40-euro volunteer ticket.

When booking, please state: ‘Retreat name + date + personal e-mail’ Account Corinna Knauff IBAN DE39 38060186 5002066019

Preise Achtsamkeit am Abend

20 € Normalpreis*
25 € Abendkasse
10 € Preis reduziert
30 € Preis plus Spende

The prices are graded so that financially low-income people can also take part. The price plus donation is aimed at the more well-off, whose generosity allows me to offer the discounted price option. Grading is discretionary and has no effect on the status.

If you cancel up to 3 weeks before the start of the event, the cancellation fee is 10% of the total price.
If you cancel less than 3 weeks before the start of the event, the cancellation fee is 100% of the total price.
Cancellation is done by email. You are welcome to provide a replacement person at no additional cost.

Meditations, mindfulness training and retreats are consciousness work for personal development and transformation, but are not a substitute for psychotherapy. They are supportive and relieving for many people, but can also have unwanted psychological side effects for some. A basic psychological stability is therefore a prerequisite. The principle that applies to all my events is that each participant takes full responsibility for themselves and their actions and all physical and psychological consequences and expressly releases me as a meditation and mindfulness teacher from all liability claims.

Everything felt so authentic. The warm, open look at all participants, the heartfelt way of approaching each one and then holding on in a pleasant, appreciative way.


Participant Retreat

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